Ihc2023bali.org Website Development

ihc2023bali.org. The 1st International Health Conference (IHC) 2023, is a global forum designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and innovation in health sciences. This event serves as a meeting point for experts, healthcare professionals, researchers, and visionary thinkers from around the world, in a collective endeavor to shape a better future for global health.

The event will spotlight Bali’s potential as a Medical Tourism destination. Discussions will cover recent developments, challenges, and opportunities in these fields. The event will be held in the Special Economic Zone of Bali, Bali, the island renowned for its beauty and currently evolving as a hub for health and wellness.

The development of the ihc2023bali.org website was carried out as a team, my position was as a backend web developer & SEO Specialist who contributed to the team starting from the system flow analysis stage, database design, backend development, testing, deploying to a live server, to SEO targeting.

Development Stages:

  1. Learn the flow of the entire system that has been previously created, starting from the framework, database, and other requirements.
  2. Analyze additional requirements that will be implemented in the system by combining with the previous flow.
  3. Start designing a database based on a breakdown of the results of previous analysis.
  4. Started developing backend & database.
  5. After the website has gone through the development stage, it then enters the testing stage by creating a staging server block for testing the website online.
  6. After successfully passing the testing stage, then deploy the project to a live server so that it can be accessed by the public.
  7. Perform SEO optimization.