Rajaloker Website Development

Last Updated on December 13, 2023 by cokdesurya

Rajaloker is a platform to bring together both parties, namely those who need work and those who need employees in their company/business. Apart from features that are easy to use, RajaLoker also always tries to present job vacancies which are of course trusted and have been curated so that they are guaranteed to be safe for job applicants.

In developing the Rajaloker website, my position is as a full stack web developer at AW Bali Digital who contributes from the system flow analysis stage, database design, backend & frontend development, testing, to deploying to a live server.

Development Stages:

  1. Conduct brainstorming on the problems behind the formation of this website, then record each of the points resulting from the brainstorming.
  2. Enter the system flow analysis stage by finalizing the results of the previous brainstorming to produce notes regarding what is needed in the system.
  3. Start designing a database based on a breakdown of the results of previous analysis.
  4. Prepare the tools & framework that will be used to build the website and start developing the backend & frontend.
  5. After the website has gone through the development stage, it then enters the testing stage by creating a staging server block for testing the website online.
  6. After successfully passing the testing stage, then deploy the project to a live server so that it can be accessed by the public.
  7. Perform SEO optimization.